What do You need To know About Burns?

The skin protects you from bacteria and viruses that occupy the outside environment of the body. It helps regulate your body temperature and allows the sense of touch, warmth, and cold. Severe burns can invade deep skin layers causing damage to the muscle and tissues. Excessive heat, electric currents, chemicals, and radiation can cause serious burns. Below is more about types of burns.

Types of Burns

Energy redirection to the body causes burns. Based on their depth, burns are classified into various types:

  • First degree burns

These are mild and cause local inflammation to your body. First-degree burns are characterized by pain, redness, and a slight amount of swelling. If the pain is controllable, the burn can be managed at home or urgent care near you.

  • Second-degree burns

They are deeper and involve part of the lower layer of the skin. Besides pain, redness, and swelling, blistering may also occur. If the burn is major or beyond a limited area, seek burns emergency services immediately from an ER near you. At the emergency room in Temple, the wounds and blisters will be cleansed and examined. If intact, your doctor will take care of the wound and provide burns emergency medicine.

  • Third-degree burns

These burns damage the epidermis and dermis. Third-degree burns may go through the underlying layer of your skin and result in a white, blackened, or charred burn site. These should be evaluated immediately at a burns emergency clinic.

  • Fourth-degree burns

These penetrate both layers of the skin, the underlying tissue and may damage your muscles and bones. Fourth-degree burns destroy nerve endings hence no feeling in the area.

Severe Burns Treatment

The severity of a burn injury depends on the degree of exposure to the damaging substance. Severe burns can be life-threatening and should be treated promptly at an emergency room near you. Consider emergency care in Temple immediately if you experience these symptoms from a burn:

  • Severe, debilitating pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea/ vomiting
  • Dizziness or weakness

If you experience a burn causing severe pain or is blistering, get treatment at a burns emergency care clinic. At Express Emergency Room in 76504, our professionals at the burns emergency room will provide a fast and reliable treatment plan.

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